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Tests will vary from year to year, and the raw mark that pupils need to meet the expected standard changes depending on the overall difficulty of a test. The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) confirmed that the content of this year’s test was at the appropriate level of difficulty based on the specification in its test framework. Was the reading test this year more difficult? This suggests progress is being made in catching up after the pandemic. This is also in line with pre-pandemic standards – 73% met the expected standard in reading in 2019. However, this is still much higher than in 2016 when only 66% met the expected standard. Pupils who met the expected standard in reading is down from 2022, from 75% to 73%. Grammar, punctuation and spelling results also remain unchanged from 2022. However, fewer pupils met the expected standard than in 2019 (65%). Overall, the same number of pupils met the expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined as last year (59%). Writing results were also better than last year. Today’s results showed that 73% of pupils met the expected standard in maths – up from 71% in 2022. How do SATs results compare to previous years? In particular, we’ve seen better results in maths and writing than in 2022, while reading standards remain at pre-pandemic levels. This year has seen an improvement in the majority of subjects compared to last year, suggesting that pupils are continuing to catch up on learning after the pandemic. Here, we break down in detail what the SATs results this year tell us.

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In most subjects, a higher proportion of pupils reached the expected standard compared to last year. This year’s results indicate that children are catching up on learning post-pandemic.

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The assessments are used to measure primary school performance, allowing teachers and parents to pinpoint where extra help might be needed as pupils move into secondary school. Today, schools find out how pupils have performed in the key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests, often referred to as SATs.

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